Children enjoyed playing a target game outside, throwing hoops over cones to score points. They kept score using our ten frames and the first one to ten was the winner. Children did a brilliant job of noticing how many they had scored and how many they needed to get to ten!
We have completed our first Maths investigation of the year. This time we had to work to find all solutions to The Ladybird Challenge. It is always interesting to see the creativity with which children approach these challenges, as they are very different from arithmetic questions. This is about trial and error and sometimes fumbling your way through and collaborating with each other to find out new ways of thinking and recording.
The children worked on their problem solving skills and used our school crowns “grit and determination” and “curiosity”. It was lovely to see all of the children engaged and enjoying building on their knowledge and understanding.
To log in, open the website and select the ‘Student’ tab.
Each pupil’s username is their the initial of their first name, next to their full surname. All lowercase, no spaces. (e.g. Joe Bloggs would be: jbloggs). All passwords are currently set to: rocks
During the first sign-in, the website will prompt children to create a rock avatar, which will be how they appear to others.
All games support times tables development and are monitored by class teachers.