In Year 4 there are three classes. The pupils’ timetable is structured as follows: spellings, maths, following the White Rose planning scheme; and English, which is based on fiction and non-fiction texts linked to our topic themes. Reading Masters lessons are based on Schofield and Sims lessons which include a variety of genres where we encourage children to explore vocabulary, use inference, make predictions, explain, develop retrieval skills and summarise events. The wider curriculum subjects are taught either discretely or through a whole school creative and connective approach.
Home Learning Apps
Useful Resources
Below are some information sheets for parents and carers outlining English and maths expectations for each year group.
Year 4 Blog Posts
Year 4 science melting
In our science lesson this week year four were investigating the melting point of butter, chocolate and cheese. We used hot water and foil cake cases to do this safely, making careful observations over time. We then used these … Read more
Year 4 polar explorer visit
Today year 4 were excited to have a visit from polar explorer Adrian Hall. He spoke to us about his expeditions, showed us all the equipment he packed in his rucksack and shared lots of photos at the start … Read more
Bookshop Visit
Our pupils had an amazing time at Bookbugs and Dragontales Bookshop this week! They had the opportunity to choose new books for our school libraries and even meet the author and illustrator, Ben Rothery, who was working on a … Read more
Year 4 Electronic Iron Man Faces
Year 4 finished the term by designing and building Iron Man faces with electronic glow in the dark eyes. They had to wire up the LED bulbs with batteries and switches using all of their knowledge about electrical circuits … Read more
Year 4 NHS Anxiety Workshop
Year 4 were delighted to welcome the NHS Cambridgeshire Community Service Trust today to run a 1 hour big worries and anxiety workshop with each of our classes. It was pleasing to see the children coming away with so … Read more
Year 4 Iron Man illustrations
We have spent a number of weeks building up to our final Iron Man illustrations. The children have enjoyed studying the work of other artists, practised new water colour techniques and experimented with using a range of different drawing … Read more
Year 1 & Year 4 buddy research
This week, year one and year four pupils buddied up for an afternoon session of African animal research on the iPads. It was wonderful to see such polite and caring partnerships between our older and younger students. Our year … Read more
Year 4 – Computing
This week in year four, we have been learning to code and write algorithms using repeated instructions. Using the free Turtle Academy software, the children were able to create different patterns and shapes, exploring the effect of changing line … Read more
Year 4 Science – Electricity
Year four are studying the science of electricity this half term. We began by looking at and comparing appliances that use mains power and batteries. This week we built simple series circuits in order to test whether different materials … Read more
School Council Christmas Bauble Project
This year the school council decided to run the Christmas bauble project again. The plastic baubles were very kindly bought by the Friends and each year group chose their own designs and have been busy over the last few … Read more
Year 4 Roman Catapults
This week all three year four classes have been putting their design and technology skills through their paces building Roman catapult models. The children have been closely supervised measuring, sawing and gluing the different parts together in our final … Read more
Music Assembly
Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 enjoyed a musical performance assembly from Norwich School today. They were able to hear different instruments and think about how it made them feel. Thank you to Norwich School for providing our pupils … Read more