Welcome to Year 4


In Year 4 there are three classes.  The pupils’ timetable is structured as follows:  Spellings, following the RWI scheme; Maths, following the NCETM planning; and English, which is based on fiction and non-fiction texts linked to our topic themes. Reading Master lessons are based around a variety of genres where we encourage children to explore vocabulary, use inference, make predictions, explain, develop retrieval skills and summarise events. The wider curriculum subjects are taught either discretely or through a whole school creative and connective approach.

Home Learning Apps

Useful Resources

Below are some information sheets for parents and carers outlining English and maths expectations for each year group.


Year 4 Blog Posts

New Bike Repair Station

10th February 2023

We had our new bike station installed today, with all the tools needed to maintain and repair bikes. It even includes a foot pump! Our pupils have been trying it out this afternoon.

Y4 Published Writers

9th February 2023

Back in the Autumn term, year 4 wrote some kennings poems, which we entered into a competition. Our kennings were about Roman Gladiators. Today, the published books arrived with our poems inside!

Year 4 Iron Men

9th February 2023

To finish our ‘Electrify’ topic this half term, we made ‘Iron Men’ with flashing LED lights for eyes. The children used their knowledge about complete circuits to make the eyes. Some even included a home made switch in their … Read more

Workshare Success!

7th February 2023

What an amazing turn out for our workshare this afternoon! Thank you to everyone for coming and helping to celebrate the children’s learning across the school. 🎖️

Year 4 Electricity

24th January 2023

This term in year 4, we are learning about electricity in Science. Last week, we started by exploring what a complete circuit would look like and what is required to make a bulb light up. This week, we used … Read more

Year 4 Outdoor Learning

19th January 2023

This week in Outdoor Learning, each year 4 class has written a poem about winter.

Year 4 Times Table Breakfast Cafe

13th January 2023

We had a great turn out for our Year 4 Times Table Breakfast Cafe! Everyone enjoyed a range of times table quizzes, board games and activities to help them learn their times tables.

Year 4 Iron Man Poetry and Art

6th January 2023

Year 4 have started the new term to an incredible beginning. We began the week by exploring our focus for this half term, The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In Writing, we have discovered figurative language such as alliteration, … Read more

Year 4 Roman Catapults

12th December 2022

Last week, year 4 made Roman catapults. We worked hard in our talk partner pairs and learned lots of new skills including using a junior hacksaw and hot glue guns safely. When they were complete we tried them out!

Roman Towns in Year 4

2nd December 2022

This week we have also been summarising our learning about the Romans. We have such a huge range of knowledge about the Romans and their powerful empire since we have been researching them in our History lessons. This week, … Read more

Volcanic Eruptions in Year 4

2nd December 2022

In Geography and Writing this week, year 4 have been learning about the stages of a volcano erupting. This is going to help us with writing an explanation text about how a volcano erupts. We started the week by … Read more

Y3/4 Football at the Nest

25th November 2022

Well done to the Y3/4 children who attended the World Cup themed football event today at the Nest.