Welcome to Year 4


In Year 4 there are three classes.  The pupils’ timetable is structured as follows:  Spellings, following the RWI scheme; Maths, following the NCETM planning; and English, which is based on fiction and non-fiction texts linked to our topic themes. Reading Master lessons are based around a variety of genres where we encourage children to explore vocabulary, use inference, make predictions, explain, develop retrieval skills and summarise events. The wider curriculum subjects are taught either discretely or through a whole school creative and connective approach.

Home Learning Apps

Useful Resources

Below are some information sheets for parents and carers outlining English and maths expectations for each year group.


Year 4 Blog Posts

Switches in Year 4

28th January 2022

This week in Year 4, we have been learning how to include a switch in an electrical circuit. We used our circuits, with bulbs as eyes, to create Iron Men. Thank you to all the parents that came to … Read more

Electricity in Year 4

21st January 2022

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about Electricity in Science. Today, we tested objects in the classroom to discover whether they were conductors or insulators.

RE Visit

18th January 2022

On Monday afternoon, Year 4 had a visit from Rev. Laura Montgomery. They learnt all about what charity means to Christians and some of the ways that the people in her churches are charitable. She then set the children … Read more

Teeth Week beginning 22nd November

29th November 2021

In Year 4, our current Science topic is looking at teeth and digestion. Last week, we learnt about the different types of teeth and their functions, before creating models using marshmallows. This week, we will be doing an experiment … Read more

Week beginning 11th October – Black History Month

15th October 2021

This week in Year 4 we have celebrated Black History month with our curriculum day! We have learned about influential Black people throughout history and their impact on society. We have been inspired by their work, to create some … Read more

Week beginning 4th October – Outdoor Adventure!

8th October 2021

This week, Year 4 have been exploring classifying living things in Science. We have joined forces with Mrs Geschke this week to go on an invertebrate hunt in the outdoor classroom!

Week beginning 6th September – I am me!

8th October 2021

To start Year 4, we have been thinking about all the things that make us us! We have been using this to help us with our writing in English. Year 4 have written Kennings poems about themselves. We are … Read more

Week beginning 13th September – Plants and Rocks

8th October 2021

For our second week of term, Year 4 have been investigating the rock cycle and plants. Year 4 have been recapping some of their Year 3 Scientific knowledge about the rock cycle and plants. We used chocolate to represent … Read more

Week beginning 20th September – What did the Romans ever do for us?

8th October 2021

In Year 4, we kicked off the week with Roman day! The teachers and the children came into school wearing their Roman costumes and we spent the whole day learning Roman Numerals, Latin words and creating Roman shields.

Year 4: Outdoor Learning

17th May 2021

Year 4 Festive Café

9th December 2020

Join the Year 4 team for their special festive Café

Year 4 Outdoor Learning

5th December 2020

This week lots of our Year 4 pupils have been creating shelters as part of their outdoor learning provision. They worked hard to develop their communication and construction skills. Take a look at the photos of what they have … Read more