Welcome to Year 2


In Year 2 there are three classes. The pupils start their day with Phonics sessions taught using the Read Write Inc Phonics programme. Children who have completed the Phonics programme move on to reading comprehension sessions where they focus on developing key skills such as retrieval and inference. The rest of their morning will include a Writing lesson, which is based on a key text for each unit and a Maths lesson taught using the White Rose maths scheme. The wider curriculum subjects are taught in the afternoons either discretely or through a whole school creative and connective approach.

To see more of the learning and activities we do in Year 2, see our Year 2 blog below.

Year 2 Blog Posts


Year 2’s Fairground Adventure

To start their new writing unit, based on the book The Midnight Fair, Year 2 went to the Queen’s Hill Fairground. They played hook a flamingo, hoopla, splat the fish and bean bag toss. They even got to play the tin can alley which had teachers’ faces on them! They had a great morning and are ready to get started with their writing!
Art 24

Year 2 Explores Architecture

In Art Year 2 have been exploring architecture. They looked at famous buildings around the world before designing and making their own buildings out of cardboard. At the end of the unit, an architect came into school to tell them about what it was like to do the job in real life and even showed them some examples of plans and architectural drawings.

Year 2 Writing

This morning the Year 2 children came into their classrooms and found all of their chairs had been taken away! Luckily this week they have been learning how to use their writing skills to persuade someone so they quickly wrote letters and made posters for their teachers to convince them to give their chairs back. Because of their excellent work, the children were able to get their chairs back and have a comfy rest of the day.

Year 2 History

This week Year 2 started their History of Flight unit with a trip on Queen's Hill Airline. They made sure they had their passport and boarding pass ready to go through security and on to the plane. After the safe briefing, they took off and enjoyed excellent service from their cabin crew, in flight entertainment and even some refreshments!

School Council Christmas Bauble Project

This year the school council decided to run the Christmas bauble project again. The plastic baubles were very kindly bought by the Friends and each year group chose their own designs and have been busy over the last few weeks creating them. In Reception they decorated wooden baubles with paint, glitter and sequins. In Year 1 they used tissue paper to collage the inside of their baubles. In Year 2 the children measured their height and filled their bauble with ribbon that is the same height as them in 2024. In Year 3 they filled their baubles with cotton wool 'snow' and decorated the outside with Christmas patterns. In Year 4 the children decorated their baubles with glitter. In Year 5 they used tissue paper to create bright and colourful baubles that have been hanging on their class Christmas trees. In Year 6 they chose glitter for the insides and drew Christmas patterns and messages on the outside. We think they all look amazing! A great big thank you to the School Council for organising this for everyone and an even bigger thank you to the Friends for supplying us with the baubles.

Year 2 Maths

To finish their work on shapes, Year 2 have been sorting 3D shapes into categories based on the properties they have been learning about. There was lots of great mathematical thinking about faces, edges and vertices!

Music Assembly

Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 enjoyed a musical performance assembly from Norwich School today. They were able to hear different instruments and think about how it made them feel. Thank you to Norwich School for providing our pupils with this opportunity.

Year 2 Science

In Year 2 the children have been investigating materials. After looking at the different properties materials have, they designed and made a kite using the materials they thought would be the most suitable. This afternoon they tested their kites to see if their ideas were correct!

Year 2 and 3 Sharing Work

This morning Year 2 and Year 3 spent some time together sharing their writing. Year 2 read their buddy their fairy tale and Year 3 shared their persuasive posters. They all had a great time listening to their buddy's work!

Year 2 Rangoli Patterns

Year 2 have continued learning about why light is important for different religions. This week they have learnt about Hinduism and Diwali. They learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and then created their own rangoli patterns.