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Retrieval Day
Question to answer together:
1. What type of bark does the dog give to Barney?
Questions to answer independently:
2. Describe the animal skull by the campfire.
3. How did Stig walk away from the campfire?
4. What happens to Dinah’s barking as the people get closer?
5. Why did the branch snap?
Inference Day
Question to answer together:
1. Why did Barney let Lou come out with him?
Questions to answer independently:
2. How do you think Lou feels about meeting Stig?
3. Do the people around the campfire remind you of anyone?
4.Is Stig in this chapter different to how Stig is in previous chapters? Why?
Author Word Choice Day
Question to answer together:
1. What technique does the author use to emphasise Stig’s unknown age at the beginning of this chapter?
Questions to answer independently:
2. What words does the author use to describe Barney’s heart and legs? How does this affect the reader?
3. What is the effect of this presentational technique?
4. Does this chapter end on a cliff-hanger? Why?
Ideas to support your Year 4 child:
- Read every day. Ask questions about what might happen next
- Write a book review
- Practise timetables
- Practise spellings
- Encourage addition and subtraction using money. How much change?
- Use everyday objects to practise fractions - how much pizza have you eaten? What fraction of the socks are blue? What fraction of the cars you can see are red?
- Make a plan to decorate a room and measure the perimeter
- Write an explanation text about your favourite hobby
Year 4 Home Learning Pack Week Commencing 23rd March 2020
Useful website
Times table rockstars
When looking through your Purple Mash home learning, lots of you seem to be struggling to correctly identify lines of symmetry. Have a go at some of the symmetry games and activities on the links above to help improve your symmetry knowledge!
Listen to Chapter 9 of Stig of the Dump Part 2.
Only one more recording to go until we've finished the whole book!
Retrieval Questions
Question to answer together:
1. Why does Dinah stop barking?
Questions to answer independently:
2. Why does Barney think the group have huts?
3. How is the leader/king dressed?
4. What does Barney do with his beer?
5. Where has Stig been spotted recently?
Inference Questions
Question to answer together:
1. How does the text suggest that Stig is good with animals?
Questions to answer independently:
2. Why does Barney think that Stig is describing him as a friend?
3. What gives Lou the idea of giving Dinah her meat?
4. What might the chief have said to Barney if he noticed him throwing away his drink?
Author's Word Choice Questions
Question to answer together:
1. What does “Stig’s teeth flashed” mean?
Questions to answer independently:
2. What do you notice about the phrase “savage spearman”?
3. How is the rising sun described in this chapter?
4. At the beginning of this chapter, how does the story link back to the first chapter?
You may also want to write a book review now that we have finished reading the whole book. What did you like about this book? What did you not like? Would you recommend this book to anyone?